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 strnset()               Initialize n Characters of String

 #include   <string.h>                   Required for declarations only

 char          *strnset(string,ch,n);
 char          *string;                  String to be initialized
 int           ch;                       Character setting
 size_t        n;                        Number of characters to be set

    strnset() sets a maximum of 'n' bytes of 'string' to the character
    'ch'.  If the length of 'string' is less than 'n', the length of
    'string' is used instead of 'n'.

       Returns:     A pointer to the initialized string.

         Notes:     Use strset() to set all of the characters in string.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements copy Xs over the first 4 characters in

           #include <string.h>

           char string[30] = "AJAX Construction Co.";
           char *sptr;

               sptr = strnset(string,'X',4);

See Also: strset()
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